10 "tips" for keeping your health safe when using air conditioners

Air conditioners have now become an indispensable device in family life. Still, if you do not know how to use them correctly, they will consume a lot of electricity and affect your health, especially on sweltering days for the elderly and young children. With ten popular tips to help you save electricity, protect the health of family members on hot days, and ensure the health of customers and families.

1. Change the room's temperature from 25 to 28 degrees Celsius

Changes in temperature or humidity can affect the cooling of the air conditioner. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust for a difference of about 5 degrees Celsius compared to the ambient temperature.

2. Drink plenty of water and use lotion

Use an air conditioner to dehydrate the room. Therefore, sitting for a long time in an air-conditioned room can increase the likelihood of skin problems such as dry skin, acne, large pores, peeling... Therefore, drink plenty of water and use lotion to prevent skin problems. Protect your skin when sitting in an air-conditioned room.

3. Sometimes, open the door

One of the secrets to your being able to use the best air conditioner for your health. Because the gourd in an air-conditioned environment is more susceptible to infection than the outside environment, you should open the window so that the air can circulate, changing with the outer environment.

4. Don't let the cold air blow directly on you

Leaving the air conditioner blowing directly on the body for a long time will cause sweat to evaporate quickly, reduce excretion, and make the body lose water, leading to sluggishness, fatigue, and lack of working energy. Therefore, use the natural wind mode to spread the cold air evenly for comfort.

5. To dehumidify, use DRY mode

DRY mode, also known as drying mode or dehumidifying mode, reduces humidity and makes the room dry. The machine will run for 3–5 minutes and rest with the wind blowing out at a low speed when activating this mode. The ability to retain moisture in the air is about 60–70%. In addition, when the rainy season comes, this mode helps kill bacteria in the air, giving users a feeling of comfort and cleanliness.

6. Select an air conditioner that has an antibacterial function

Currently, air pollution is becoming more and more serious, affecting the living environment and human health. Therefore, choosing an air conditioner with an antibacterial function removes harmful impurities in the air, such as viruses, bacteria, and dirt, and brings a fresh atmosphere to the house, free of bacteria health protection for the whole family.

7. Avoid extreme temperature swings

In hot weather, blood vessels in the body dilate more than usual. If you have just come back from the sun (high temperature due to weather) or have just exercised a lot and sweated, but you go inside an air-conditioned room (with a low temperature), it will cause blood vessels to contract suddenly, quickly causing heat shock that affects health.

8. When sleeping in an air-conditioned room, use a thin blanket to keep warm

When you sleep, your body's organs fall into a state of rest. A little cold from the air quickly affects your skin, so covering a thin blanket as a protective shield makes you feel cold. I feel safe. In addition, they also help stimulate certain natural chemicals in the brain, such as Serotonin, Dopamine, and Melatonin.

9. Limit on and off indefinitely

Many people habit turning on and off the air conditioner continuously because they think that this will save a significant amount of electricity. But in fact, this is a prevalent misconception. Because every time you turn on the machine, it needs to work at a much larger capacity to start the compressor and fan motor and cool quickly. This inadvertently consumes about three times more power, affecting the machine's performance and reducing the life of the product. In addition, this habit directly impacts health, causing dizziness, headaches, fatigue, respiratory diseases, and heat shock.

10. Clean the air conditioner on a routine basis

After a period of use, the air conditioner will contain a lot of bacteria, mold,... The periodic cleaning of the machine every six months helps protect your family's health, increases the life of the device and saves costs. When in use, it wastes electricity while also providing fresh cold air.

Thus, the article on Dien may gia goc has revealed 10 "tips" for keeping your health safe when using air conditioners. I hope you will adjust the habit of using the air conditioner properly so that your family is always protected.