Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators have conquered homemakers

Mitsubishi Electric is a famous brand from Japan specializing in providing top-quality refrigeration products worldwide. In particular, the Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators line scored maximum points in the eyes of homemakers with outstanding features such as:

  • The most modern technology, such as Nano Titanium deodorant.
  • Fast cooling function.
  • Cold pack with a minus zero heat retention.
  • Using a vitamin bar, vacuum the compartment.
  • Power puller.
  • Automatic door.

And many other prominent features bring many conveniences to users.

The following are the outstanding advantages of Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators:

1. Contemporary design that is appropriate for all family kitchens

Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators have a delicate design that will bring elegance to your kitchen. Typically, the Japanese imported high-class refrigerator line has a structure of five separate compartments with the right temperature to help preserve the best food and avoid odors between foods.

In addition, the cabinet is equipped with many compartments for many different foods, preserving fresh food for a whole week while still being new, and sliding compartments that can be opened and closed quickly.

The high-end LED lighting system has a long life that saves electricity and creates light evenly throughout the cabinet compartments.

Along with that, the cabinet walls with the antibacterial agent Ag+ will prevent the growth of bacteria, keeping the cabinet space clean. This is the best way to preserve food today.

2. Maximum energy savings

Recently, the Mitsubishi Electric brand has launched a line of refrigerators that save more electricity than inverter refrigerators. It is a line of refrigerators "with a brain" called a Neuro Inverter.

An intelligent energy-saving technology that helps adjust the temperature by daily life habits, using time, the amount of food in the refrigerator, and when the ambient temperature increases to achieve the best results in refrigeration efficiency and maximum savings.

Mitsubishi Electric's Neuro Inverter refrigerators are known as "brain refrigerators," helping you save energy by up to 45% compared to conventional refrigerators, meeting the 5-star standard of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in terms of usage, energy-saving, and efficiency.

This is very clearly displayed on the energy stamps on the refrigerator.


Evaluation criteria

Conventional soft freezing technology

Mitsubishi Electric's REAL soft freezing technology

Temperature What should not store food for a long time because of -3 degrees? Celsius is not the ideal temperature for storage. Food is effectively preserved for a long time but not frozen. Instead, the cold air blows gently around to help the temperature inside and drop slowly to -7 degrees Celsius.
Nutrition Food has lost nutrients and is no longer fresh. The reason is that the cold air blows directly on the surface of the food, causing the water to freeze from the outside to the inside, forming an ice film that breaks the cell bonds. The taste and quality of the food are still as fresh as the original. Thanks to the extremely cold steam that causes the water in the food to form microscopic ice crystals that keep the cell bonds from being broken.
Storage time Food is frozen only on the outer surface, so the whole thing is not preserved in a long-term and effective way. The shelf life of food with TRUE SOFT FROZEN is up to 3 weeks.
Other utilities None

Food without defrosting is easy to separate, scoop, and cut.

Perfectly preserve food that is still hot (80 degrees Celsius) without worrying about affecting the taste of the food or the durability of the refrigerator.

3. Vitamin Factory

One of the remarkable new technologies of Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators is the food freshening and control system. Through the orange LED light (which simulates sunlight), vegetables and fruits stored in the fridge continue to photosynthesize, keep their freshness, and, at the same time, increase the Vitamin C content by 1.15 times.

Soft freezing technology

Mitsubishi Electric is also the first manufacturer to introduce soft freezing technology into the household refrigerator line.

With this technology, food is cooled from the inside at a temperature of -7 degrees Celsius instead of just chilling on the outside of the food like in other conventional refrigerators.

Thanks to that, even if the food is kept in the freezer, the food is still soft and fresh, and homemakers can use it without losing time to defrost, ensuring the preservation of flavors and nutrients whole nutrition as it was when new.

In addition, this technology can perfectly preserve hot food (up to 80 degrees Celsius) without worrying about affecting the taste of the food or the durability of the refrigerator.

See more information about Soft Freezing Technology here:

Imported refrigerators, manufactured according to Japanese technology with many features to suit the needs of Vietnamese consumers, are the factors that make Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators attractive.

Through the above-mentioned superior features, it shows that Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators deserve total points in the hearts of customers thanks to many features that are suitable for the needs of consumers as well as imported and manufactured according to Japanese technology, bringing a product that is not only beautiful in design but also durable in quality.

Currently, Dien may gia goc is trading for all Mitsubishi Electric Fridge series with the best price, We commit to:

  • 100% genuine product.
  • 2-years warranty.
  • Quick installation within a day.
  • Experienced technical staff.