Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners use DC PAM INVERTER technology for high performance

One of Mitsubishi heavy air conditioners' recognized power-saving innovations, the DC PAM INVERTER, provides quick cooling while lowering monthly electricity expenditures for your household.


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries uses DC PAM inverter technology to manage the machine's voltage and operating frequency, decreasing power usage by 40% and enhancing cooling efficiency.

When the temperature is attained, the inverter reduces the power of the compressor motor, saving electricity and maintaining the room temperature. The room temperature will be near the remote control setting, offering comfort to users, especially the elderly and children.

Econo Mode + DC PAM Inverter

But when paired with Econo mode to ensure the power-saving capabilities of Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners, it will be incredibly effective.

Hit the Econo button on the remote to limit cooling capacity and save energy without harming the relaxed atmosphere.