Soft freezing technology: a great assistant for busy homemakers

With an increasingly busy life, many families choose to buy food for a week. So naturally, this increases the concern of all housewives as to how the food will always remain as fresh as when it was purchased, even though it has been frozen in the freezer compartment.

Grasping the needs of the vast majority of homemakers, Mitsubishi Electric launched soft freezing technology from the innovative Inverter refrigerator line that will solve all these seemingly tricky problems.

Methods of Freezing

In the past, we often stored fresh (unused) food in the freezer, resulting in a long wait for defrosting each time and significantly reducing the freshness of the product. But with soft freezing technology and outstanding features, this is no longer a concern for homemakers because:

- With conventional freezing technology, food is frozen from the outside to the inside. The water surrounding the outside of the food forms an ice sheet that breaks down the cellular structure inside, resulting in the food being dehydrated and losing its freshness.

- As for soft freezing technology, food is frozen both inside and out simultaneously. Water in food only forms microscopic crystals, leading to unbroken cell bonds, ensuring the nutrition and freshness of food.

The temperature required for food safety

One of the misconceptions that homemakers often apply is freezing food at a low temperature (-18 degrees Celsius). However, at -7 degrees Celsius, microorganisms can hardly destroy food.

This research has been applied to the soft freezing technology of Mitsubishi Electric Fridge to help preserve your food as it was first purchased for 1 to 3 weeks.

Suitable for busy homemakers

Defrosting foods such as meat and fish in the refrigerator compartment is always a concern for homemakers because it is time-consuming and difficult to prepare nutritious dishes for the whole family.

But with modern soft freezing technology, it is different. Food will no longer be watery inside the refrigerator, allowing you to cut food and store food for a long time.

The Mitsubishi refrigerator's soft freezing technology was born based on studying the essential needs of homemakers, saving time, and ensuring the freshness of food.

Soft Freezing is a unique frozen food preservation and storage technology developed exclusively by Mitsubishi Electric. This is the natural soft freezing technology based on Patent No. 3066010 on "Soft Freezing" technology and Patent No. 4253775 on "Super Freezing" technology granted by the Japan Patent Office to Mitsubishi Electric Company, address at 7-3, Marunouchi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-KU, Tokyo 1008310, Japan.

Follow the comparison table below better to understand the accurate "Soft Freeze" technology

Evaluation criteria Conventional soft freezing technology Mitsubishi Electric's REAL soft freezing technology
Temperature What should not store food for a long time because of -3 degrees? Celsius is not the ideal temperature for storage. Food is effectively preserved for a long time but not frozen. Instead, the cold air blows gently around to help the temperature inside and drop slowly to -7 degrees Celsius.
Nutrition Food has lost nutrients and is no longer fresh. The reason is that the cold air blows directly on the surface of the food, causing the water to freeze from the outside to the inside, forming an ice film that breaks the cell bonds. The taste and quality of the food are still as fresh as the original. Thanks to the extremely cold steam that causes the water in the food to form microscopic ice crystals that keep the cell bonds from being broken.
Storage time Food is frozen only on the outer surface, so the whole thing is not preserved in a long-term and effective way. The shelf life of food with TRUE SOFT FROZEN is up to 3 weeks.
Other utilities None

Food without defrosting is easy to separate, scoop, and cut.

Perfectly preserve food that is still hot (80 degrees Celsius) without worrying about affecting the taste of the food or the durability of the refrigerator.

With authentic soft-freezing technology, exclusive to Mitsubishi Electric, food will be effectively preserved and retain its inherent flavor, helping homemakers cook quickly without waiting for defrosting.

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