The solar filter on the Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner effectively deodorizes

In addition to the standard features for consumers, Mitsubishi Heavy also attracts customers with antibacterial deodorant filters, the most prominent of which is the Solar filter.

The Solar filter is equipped with a Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner on the upper part of the air conditioner, effectively preventing unpleasant odors such as cigarettes, socks, fishy odors, moisture, etc., then combined with a deodorizing filter odor to kill odors effectively.

Besides, when using the filter, you can:

  • Easy maintenance by removing them and rinsing them with water can be left to dry in the sun to remove bacteria without needing to be replaced.


  • To enhance the protective function and improve consumers' health optimally, it is recommended to clean the air conditioner at least once a year and clean the Solar filter between three and six months.