"Vitamin Factory" on the Mitsubishi Electric refrigerator

Vegetables are an essential source of nutrients to help provide vitamins in daily meals. However, vegetables will quickly wilt in conventional refrigerators and become less fresh after being stored for a few days. Understanding that Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators have been equipped with a separate vegetable compartment dubbed the "Vitamin Factory" that can preserve fresh vegetables throughout the week. This is an outstanding technology integrated by the company into Mitsubishi Electric refrigerators.

Advantages of the technology "Vitamin Factory"

A temperature of only 3 to 9 degrees Celsius is suitable for preserving fresh fruits and vegetables.

An orange vitamin LED light source illuminates vegetables continuously for 24 hours, even when the cabinet is closed. The light from the lamp has a wavelength of 590 nm, simulating sunlight, stimulating the photosynthesis process, and increasing the amount of vitamin C and antioxidants in vegetables by 15%.

Closed design, limiting the flow of cold air blowing directly on food, causes cold wilting and helps to increase moisture in vegetables. (*)

(*) The closed design is only available in the line of cabinets with different fruit and vegetable compartments, such as the line of 3 doors for the top freezer, 3 doors for the bottom freezer, and the high-end line.