Which kind of gas-powered air conditioner is the best?

Currently, R22, R410a, and R32 are the most popular types of gas, being used mainly for air conditioners on the market. However, how many customers are aware of the properties of these gases? And which gas has the best cooling capacity? Or what kind of gas is safest to use? The following article will answer most customers' questions and add practical knowledge when choosing an air conditioner.

Gas R22

Gas R22 is the first gas used on air conditioners, with the advantage of being easy to maintain when you want to pump more gas, non-toxic, non-flammable, and relatively cheap, so this gas is quite popular. However, this gas is harmful to the ozone layer, so according to the development roadmap, this gas will only be used until 2040. Besides, this gas can cause suffocation if the gas concentration in the air is too high.

Gas R22 is known as the first gas used on air conditioners, with the following advantages:

  • It's easy to maintain when you want to pump more gas.
  • Non-toxic, non-flammable.
  • The price is relatively low, so this gas is quite popular.

However, this gas is harmful to the ozone layer, so according to the development roadmap, it will use on the market until 2040.

Besides, if the gas concentration in the air is too high, the gas can cause suffocation.

Gas R410a

Essentially, R410a gas has the same chemical characteristics as R22 but has higher volatility. But because gas R22 causes ozone depletion, gas R410a was researched to replace gas R22:

  • Meet the requirements of environmental protection.
  • It does not destroy the ozone layer and ensures user health.

It can say that R410a gas is a perfect replacement for the old R22 gas because:

  • Gas R410a has a cooling capacity 1.6 times higher than gas R22. This means that the compressor size of all air conditioners using gas R401a will be much smaller than the compressor size of air conditioners using gas R22.
  • Air conditioners using gas R410a give a more profound cold than air conditioners using gas R22, saving more electricity. Therefore, the cost of gas R410a is slightly higher than gas R22.

Mitsubishi Electric has switched to producing air conditioners using R410a gas instead of the old R22 gas

R410a gas is prevalent in high-end air conditioners in most current markets.

With the motto "Change for a Better Life," Mitsubishi Electric has switched to producing air conditioners using R410a gas instead of R22 gas to contribute to saving energy and making life greener.

Specifically, the Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner series using R410a gas is MSZ-FM; MSZ-HL; MSY-GM; MSY-GH; MS-HM.

On the other hand, air conditioners with energy-saving inverter technology that have achieved the 5-star energy label from the Ministry of Industry and Trade use R410a gas, which helps calm down quickly and save quite a bit monthly electricity costs.

The new Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner series has power-saving PAM Inverter technology combined with R410a gas.

And to best support customers, Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners can reuse the old pipes of R22 gas-powered air conditioners for R410a gas-powered machines (when customers need to convert from R22 gas to gas R410a) without the need to clean lines, effectively saving installation costs.


  • The pipe's thickness >=0.7mm.

New Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners can reuse pipes

Gas R32

Gas R32 is the newest gas today, being used most often in Japan. This gas was invented to replace gas R22 and type R410A and is becoming increasingly popular with consumers.


  • Meet the environmental protection requirements by reducing emissions by up to 75%.
  • saving energy, cooling faster and more profound than R22 and R410A gas
  • The pressure is equivalent to R410A gas, so if you use an air conditioner using the available R410A gas, you need to replace the gas charging meter and gas charging wire.

However, when using this gas, users should note:

  • If it is not equipped with tools and meters for gas, it won't be easy to install and maintain.
  • The cost of gas filling, gas pumping, and gas replacement is also higher than other types of gas.

With the above information, we hope that customers have added a lot of helpful knowledge to choose the right air conditioner for their family, optimally saving electricity, but most importantly, contributing to protecting the living environment and the future of all of us.