What should you know about Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners?

In the hot season, air conditioners become an indispensable device for consumers. Especially for people living in densely populated urban areas, air...

How to fix a Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner's water leak

Air conditioners have become a necessary appliance in every family, providing a great deal of comfort and assisting the entire family in coping with the...

How to Clean a Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner in 15 Minutes

When it comes to the problem of "cleaning the air conditioner," many users will think this is very difficult because they have to use specialized tools and...

Tips on how to save money on electricity bills for Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners in the summer

In the hot season, people often feel uncomfortable and worried because of the scorching hot weather and the cost of electricity due to the need to use air...

Mitsubishi heavy air conditioners use ION 24 technology to purify the air

Besides the high-tech features and superior utility that Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners have, a part that can't be overlooked: is ION 24 technology, which...

Enzyme filter removes bacteria safely for health with Mitsubishi heavy air conditioners

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was the first company to use Enzyme filters in sterilization and disinfection.The Enzyme filter that comes with the Mitsubishi...

The solar filter on the Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioner effectively deodorizes

In addition to the standard features for consumers, Mitsubishi Heavy also attracts customers with antibacterial deodorant filters, the most prominent of which...

Cool evenly throughout the room with 3D AUTO swing mode on Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners

Almost all air conditioners are equipped with many advanced features such as dehumidification mode, timer, bacteria filter, self-diagnosis... But with the...

Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners' HI POWER feature cools in 15 minutes

On hot days or while returning from the street, customers seek a cool and refreshing ambiance. Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners offer the HI POWER function,...

Self-diagnostic and self-cleaning features on Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners make one another more durable

One of the reasons many customers like Mitsubishi Heavy air conditioners is their variety of models, cutting-edge technology, and long-lasting sturdiness....